** Special Note: If you are a blogger looking for an active sharing group, we have the group for you. The Let's Get Real Facebook group has daily follow threads, support, and friendship. Come on over and join us.**
Nicole: Blog/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Google +/Instagram
I'm not big on rules (since this is what I do for fun), but I do have a couple of guidelines.
2. Please don't link and run! Follow and comment on at least three (3) other blogs. The more effort you put into getting to know everyone, the more you will get in return. Everyone is here to get more readers and traffic to their blogs so let's show them some love!
3. Let people know where you party! Add our party badge or link back to the party on your blog or post.
We will be pinning our favorites!!
My Let's Get Real Featured blogger this week is:
(Drum Roll Please)
These AMAZING creamy chocolate covered ice crem bars made with almond milk - UHHHHH...Does YUMMY do it justice? I think not!
Swing over and say hello to this Mom of 7 and Grammy to 6!!!!